Statement on the use of terrorism


Statement on the use of terrorism

1. For Jews and Christians alike, terrorist acts, including the taking of one?s own life in suicide bombings and, as a result, that of innocent persons, is an offence to God, the Giver of all life.

2. The two religions also prohibit wilful devastation and the deliberate creation of fear.

3. We therefore strongly condemn attacks upon innocent persons and the targeting of whole populations.

4. We call upon religious leaders to denounce such acts and those who incite or sanction them, to speak out together, to appeal to all people of goodwill, to communicate their message to the grass roots of their community, and to do so in the name of God.

5. We calI upon those who perceive such attacks as strategic means of achieving objectives to turn away from them, and to recognize that those acts weaken rather than strengthen their cause in the eyes of the world.

6. We call upon people of faith, and indeed all people of goodwill, to commit themselves to dialogue which is the only way to build bridges and achieve a road to justice, reconciliation and lasting peace.

Jean Duhaime, CJDM President

April 19, 2004 

Editorische Anmerkungen

The Christian-Jewish Dialogue of Montreal, a not-for-profit organization, is a group of representatives of different sponsoring organizations, who come together on a regular basis in order to build and strenghten mutual understanding and support between Christian and Jewish communities.

Information: Canadian Center For Ecumenism (514) 937-9176; Canadian Jewish Congress, Community Relations Committee (514) 345-6111 ext. 3164.