John McDade is a Jesuit priest. He studied Modern Languages at Oxford and theology at Heythrop. After teaching in secondary school, he did his doctorate at the University of Edinburgh on the interpretation of pre-existence language in Christology, using Paul Ricoeur's theory of metaphor as an interpretative category. He has taught Systematic Theology at Heythrop since 1985, focusing on the main areas of God, Christ and Salvation. During his teaching, he became interested in the new theology of Christian-Jewish Relations and its impact on Christian theology. He is responsible for developing the Diploma in Christian-Jewish Relations and the MA in Contemporary Theology in the Catholic Tradition. For 9 years (1986-1995) he was Editor of The Month, a Review of Christian Thought and World Affairs, and wrote extensively during that time on a range of issues affecting Christian faith and the modern world and on contemporary cinema. He is President of the Catholic Theological Association of Great Britain (1999-2005).