ICCJ International Conference in Jerusalem
22-25 June 2008
The Contribution of Jewish-Christian-Muslim Dialogue to Peace-Building in the Middle East
Purim 5768 Easter 2008
Birthday of the Prophet 1429
Dear Friends and Colleagues,
Greetings from the Interreligious Coordinating Council in Israel, hosts of the
2008 ICCJ Conference in Jerusalem.
on the theme:
The Contribution of
Jewish-Christian-Muslim Dialogue
to Peace-Building in the Middle East.
The program of our conference will highlight institutions and organizations that promote dialogue for peaceful co-existence in the region, especially those that operate out of religious or spiritual frameworks. The planning committee has tried to balance workshops and plenary sessions at our conference venue with field trips and outings to sites in Jerusalem and to other parts of the country. ICCJ has a sincere interest in attracting as many local participants as possible, Palestinians and Israelis, Arabs and Jews-- especially women and young people who will interact with the international participants. We will also be reaching out to students and young people from around the world in the hope that they will attend the conference as well.
It is our fervent hope that this will be one of the largest and most successful ICCJ conferences. As people involved in interreligious relations and concerned with the situation in the Holy Land we urge you to attend the conference and to call upon others to attend as well.
Please distribute this invitation widely and quickly – to local chapters, individuals and groups as well as on the national level – to help us to spread the word.
At last year's conference, delegates sang "Next year in Jerusalem," and here we are, just in time to mark Israel's 60th birthday, and to express our support for the peace process that will, hopefully, lead to the establishment of an independent Palestinian state alongside the State of Israel. Jerusalem, a city of 2 peoples and 3 faiths, is proud and happy to host Jews, Christians and Muslims from throughout the world, who have gathered, as the prophet Malachi tells us (3:12): "Then they that feared the Lord, spoke with one another."
For more information and to register for the conference please see: icci.org.il/iccj2008.
Please note that registration must be done on-line and that
the early registration discount has been extended to April 11th, 2008!
Dr. Deborah Weissman
Sr. Trudy Nabuurs, nds
Co-chairs, ICCJ 2008
The Contribution of Jewish-Christian-Muslim Dialogue
to Peace-Building in the Middle East
Conference Program at a Glance
June 22-25
Sunday 22.6 | Monday 23.6 | Tuesday 24.6 | Wednesday 25.6 | Thursday 26.6 | |
M O R N I N G | Women’s Pre-Conference Seminar | Plenum M.K. Rabbi Michael Melchior | My Community and the Land Ms. Hanan Abu-Dalu Ms. Suad Younan Dr. Deborah Weissman | Study outings to sites/projects on conference theme | ![]() Annual General Meeting |
Sessions on conference theme | Sessions on conference theme | ||||
A F T E R N O O N | Study outings to theme-related sites/projects on conference theme | Other Sessions on Jewish – Christian Relations | |||
Other Sessions on Jewish – Christian Relations | 16:00 Closing Event The wolf shall dwell with the lamb, The leopard lie down with the kid Program at Biblical Zoo Including dinner | ![]() | |||
E V E N I N G | Opening Event: * Dinner * Plenum The Contribution of J-C-M Dialogue to Peace-Building in the Middle East Rabbi David Rosen H.B. Patriarch Michel Sabbah Qadi Muhammad Zibdi | Receptions: Christian Jewish | Free Evening | ||
( s u b j e c t t o c h a n g e ) |