Two Conferences Announced in Switzerland
Two conferences will be held in Switzerland in July 2007, commemorating the past and anticipating the future of Christian-Jewish dialogue. On 6-7 July, a conference will be held at the Lassalle-Haus in Bad Schönbrunn on the theme "Impulse für die Zukunft des jüdisch-christlichen Dialogs." Lectures will be given by Dr. Christian Rutishauer, S.J. of Lassalle-Haus, Prof. Daniel Boyarin of the University of California at Berkeley, and Prof. Othmar Keel of the University of Fribourg. On the following day, 8 July, a one-day conference will be held in Seelisberg, marking the 60th anniversary of the issuance of the famous "Ten Points of Seelisberg", one of the first expressions of Christian-Jewish rapprochement after the Second World War. Lectures will be given on the themes "Die Entstehung des Christentums aus dem Judentum," "Die Wende der christlich-jüdischen Beziehungen in den letzten 40 Jahren," and "Dialogisches Denken: Der Andere in der zeigenössischen jüdischen Philosphie." Greetings will be brought from the Holy See, the International Council of Christians and Jews, and other organizations.