Results for john paul iI

About 864 results.

Schismatic Bishops, Holocaust Denial and Christian-Jewish Relations

These words from Pope John Paul II identify a common task for Jews and Christians – we are to be a blessing for humanity – and require both traditions to ...

The Context of Jewish-Christian Dialogue - JC Relations

... John Paul II would make his historical pilgrimage to Israel. Yet, the broad context of the dialogue still remains the same. The Context of Jewish-Christian ...

Rediscovering Vatican II: Ecumenism and Interreligious Dialogue

Oct 20, 2005 ... It was my privilege to accompany Pope John Paul II on his visit to Israel in March 2000. It was most appropriate that the background to ...

The People of Israel, the Land of Israel and the State ... - JC Relations

Dec 1, 2023 ... Pope John Paul II, in his speech in Mainz, Germany, said this somewhat more poetically when he insisted that when we look at Christianity ...

Klenicki, Leon - JC Relations

... John Paul II. He co-authored Believing Today: Jew and Christian in Conversation with Rev. Richard John Neuhaus, and, with Father Peter Stravinskas, A ...

Let Us Make the Paths of History Straight for the Lord

John Paul II on this way. In his conclusion, the Pope emphasized strongly that “preaching and catechesis must be committed to ensuring that our mutual ...

Declaration of Repentance seeking forgiveness for the ... - JC Relations

Sep 29, 1997 ... The Church of France is examining her record. With the rest of the Church she has been summoned to do so by Pope John Paul II at the approach of ...

Seventh Annual “Day of Judaism” Observed in Polish ... - JC Relations

Feb 17, 2004 ... Łukasz Kamykowski from Kraków, reminded the audience of John Paul II's saying: “Christians and Jews are called to be a blessing to the world.

Joint Statement: Sanctity of Human Life and Family ... - JC Relations

Mar 2, 2003 ... Taking any human life, including one"s own, even in the name of God, is sacrilegious.As was emphasized time and again by Pope John Paul II ...

Has Franz Rosenzweig's Time Come? - JC Relations

... John Paul II that our survival is the result of divine assistance? After nearly two millennia during which Jews fought Christianity in general and the ...