Results for john paul iI

About 534 results.

Dabru Emet': A Jewish Dissent - JC Relations

And in 1998 Pope John Paul II said, "The crime known as the Shoah (Holocaust) remains an indelible stain on the history of the (20th) century." The signers ...

And a short response by Edward Kessler - JC Relations

May 31, 2007 ... As John Paul II once observed, all of this made Christians of our century less vigilant when the Nazi fury was unleashed against the Jews. It ...

Joint Reflections on the Declaration “Between ... - JC Relations

Nov 30, 2017 ... ” Pope Saint John Paul II's contribution to this process, building on the pioneering role of Pope Saint John XXIII, was emphasized, as ...

A Critique of the Vatican Holocaust Document. - JC Relations

This is followed by these words of Pope John Paul II: “In the Christian world — I do not say on the part of the Church as such — erroneous and unjust ...

Pope Benedict XVI on Jews and Judaism: Retreat or Reaffirmation

Scholars have shown how little the present Pope has referenced. Vatican II's Gaudium et Spes in contrast to John Paul II for whom it served as a basic reference ...

Kertzer, David I., The Popes Against the Jews: The ... - JC Relations

Dec 31, 2001 ... self-assessment of the church that Pope John Paul II made a core component of the recent. Jubilee celebration. Kertzer begins his narrative ...

Hotchkin, John F. - JC Relations

When Pope John Paul II visited the United States in1987 and met with other Christian leaders at Columbia, South Carolina, he found a spirit of openness that ...


Jean-François Bensahel. (President of Paris Copernic Synagogue) ... undertaken since Vatican II, since Pope John Paul II's visits to the synagogue of Mainz and to.

Statements - Page 7 of 9 - JC Relations

2000. Pope John Paul II and Cardinals. Response to Vatican Holocaust Document March 6, 2000. The Committee for Catholic-Jewish Relations of the Catholic ...

Pope Calls for Interreligious Day of Prayer for Peace

Jan 24, 2002 ... Pope John Paul II has invited representatives of the world's religions to join in a Day of Prayer for. Peace at Assisi, Italy, on January 24 ...