Book Reviews
Salmon, Marilyn J., Preaching without Contempt:
Overcoming Unintended Anti-JudaismRead moreJames Rowe Adams,TCPC Founder and Honorary Advisor
Fortress Press, paperback, 183 pagesAitken, James K., Kessler, Edward, Challenges in Jewish-Christian Relations
Read moreChallenges in Jewish-Christian Relations
James K. Aitken and Edward…
Judaism Open to the Religions of the Nations: A Polish Catholic Theologian Reads an American Jewish Pluralist
Read moreBook review of: Harold Kasimow, The Search Will Make You Free: A Jewish Dialogue with World Religions.
Boys, Mary C., Lee, Sara S., Christians and Jews in Dialogue: Learning in the Presence of the Other
Read moreBook Review
Christians and Jews in Dialogue: Learning in the Presence…
Kessler, Edward and Neil Wenborn, eds., A Dictionary of Jewish-Christian Relations
Read moreA review of the new reference work on the history and contemporary realities of the Christian-Jewish encounter, with some 700 articles by more than…
Preaching the Gospel Without Blaming the Jews
A Lectionary CommentaryRead morePreaching the Gospel Without Blaming the Jews
A Lectionary Commentary
by Ronald J. Allen and Clark M. Williamson
Greenberg, Irving, For the Sake of Heaven and Earth
The New Encounter between Judaism and ChristianityRead morePhiladelphia: Jewish Publication Society, 2004, 274 pp.
Aumann, Moshe, Conflict and Connection: The Jewish-Christian-Israel Triangle
Read moreMoshe Aumann, Conflict and Connection: The Jewish-Christian-Israel Triangle New York/Jerusalem, Gefen Publishing House, 2003. 292 pp.
Merkle, John C. ed.. Faith Transformed: Christian Encounters with Jews and Judaism
Read moreJohn C. Merkle, ed., Faith Transformed: Christian Encounters with Jews and Judaism. Collegeville, Minnesota: Liturgical Press, 2003. 216 pp., $23.95,…