Leaders in the Modern Jewish-Christian Relationship: Rabbi Dr. Abraham Joshua Heschel (1907-1972)
Read moreArguably one of the most influential Jewish thinkers of the twentieth century, Abraham Joshua Heschel was born in Warsaw on January 11,…
Milestones in Modern Catholic-Jewish Relations
Read moreBeginning in the wake of the Second World War and the Shoah (Holocaust), Christians around the world have been engaged in a dramatic…
Leaders in the Modern Jewish-Christian Relationship: Jules Marx Isaac (1877-1963)
Read moreBorn in Rennes (Aix-en-Provence), France, Jules Isaac grew up in a largely assimilated Jewish family, and pursued a career as a professional…
The Challenges of Christian Ecumenism in Israel and Palestine
Read moreThe following article by Paul Parker about the diversity and vitality of Christians in Palestine and Israel was written for and published in…
Victims and Sacrifices *
Read moreAlongside Jews and the Sinti and Roma people, the National Socialist regime of violence brought suffering to many others. The persecution of…
Why anti-Zionism is inherently anti-Semitic
Read moreAnti-Zionism is an inherently anti-Semitic doctrine. In calling for the fall of the Jewish state, anti-Zionists are engaged in a racist…
Male Circumcision in Contradiction to Human Rights?
Read moreWorkshop paper, given at the ICCJ Conference, Aix-en-Provence, Tuesday, July 2, 2013.
Adventures in Dialogue. The Jerusalem Rainbow Group
Read moreImpressions of 45 years of Jewish-Christian Dialogue. Exclusively on JCR: Preface by Rabbi Raphael Jospe and full chapter 2, "An Example of…
Christians and Christianity in the Jewish State
Read moreThe relationship between Judaism and Christianity is unique, with Jews and Christians having a mutual affinity not seen in other religions.…