Beyond the Hebrew Bible: The Formation of the New Testament Canon
Read moreThe Scriptures' in the New Testament regularly refers to the Christian reading of the Jewish Scriptures. The Canon is the list of sacred…
Rightly Explaining the Word of Truth (Appendices)
Read moreGuidelines for Christian Clergy and Teachers in their use of the New Testament with reference to the New Testament's presentation of Jews…
Jews and Christians: Making Theological Space for Each Other
Read moreSr. Margaret Shepherd, Director of the Council of Christians and Jews, London (UK), examines some of the theological issues that have arisen…
A Family Tree of the Churches. A graphic, showing the major branches of the Christian Church
Read moreA rough and graphic overview of the historical origins of the diverse denominations or confessions of the Christian Church.
Video: Jews and Christians: A Journey of Faith
Read moreA Video featuring interviews with leading scholars and activists in the field.
Waiting for the next one
Read moreNational Workshop on Christian-Jewish Relations in 2006 - Background, logo and report
The Passion of the Jew Jesus
Read moreThe Passion of the Jew Jesus. Recommended Changes in the Oberammergau Passion Play after 1984
Jews and Catholics: From Fear to Friendship
Read moreA video chronicling the importance of Nostra aetate as a watershed event, as seen from the perspective of Reform Judaism.
The Parting of the Ways
Read moreThe split between Judaism and Christianity was gradual and happened at different rates in different places. There is remarkably little…
Responses to Jesus
Read moreThe Jewish 'no' and the Christian 'yes' to Jesus are both valid responses to the church's proclamation that centers upon Jesus of Nazareth.…