Looking for a new framework
Read moreAccording to the authors, the Catholic Church needs to rethink its relationship with Israel according to a paradigm that makes it possible…
Jewish-Christian Identities in Conflict: The Cases of Fr. Daniel Rufeisen and Fr. Elias Friedman
Read moreThe status of Jewish identity in cases of conversion to another religion is a contentious issue and was brought to the forefront of public…
The Religious (Jewish) Other in Christianity: Some Theological Considerations
Read moreWhen a Christian – and, particularly, Protestant – theologian, like myself, explores the question of what Christianity says about the…
The Cruelty of Supersessionism: The Case of Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Read moreThe impact of the Shoah on Christian biblical and theological studies has been significant. The Christian doctrine of supersessionism, the…
The Origins of Anti-Jewish Rhetoric in the Hymns of Good Friday
Read moreThe oldest-surviving Christian hymns designed exclusively for Holy Week are a set known as the Idiomele. In the modern Orthodox Church, they…
The Image of Jews According to the Canonical Tradition of the Orthodox Church
Read moreThis study attempts to analyze the canons of the Orthodox Church, which are still normative for all Orthodox Autocephalous Churches, in…
“Children of the Devil”: John 8:44 and its Early Reception
Read moreIn 1971, the first year of my BA studies at the University of Toronto, I read a powerful book that has stayed with me all these years: The…
The Contribution of Religious Education to the Prevention of Antisemitism: An International Empirical Study
Read moreThis research project is situated in the Europe-wide discussion on historical remembrance and the challenges of antisemitism today. The…
Psalm 27 and Teshuvah: an Interpretation
Read moreA custom widely followed among traditionally observant Jews is to recite Psalm 27 at the conclusion of the morning and evening services…
Not Just the Time of the Other
Read moreWhat Does It Mean for Christians Today to Remember Shabbat and Keep It Holy?