Some Perspectives on the Current Situation In Israel and the Palestinian Authority
Read moreA personal statement by Rev. John T. Pawlikowski, OSM, Ph.D., who is Professor of Social Ethics at the Cardinal Bernardin Center, Catholic…
Interfaith Among People with Developmental Disabilities
Read moreL'Arche Daybreak: An Example of Interfaith. Pastoral support of a representational Jewish adult with a developmental disability in a…
How Dialogue with Jews has transformed the Holy Week Liturgy
Read moreCanon Albert Radcliffe from Manchester Cathedral offers an Anglican view of progress in freeing the liturgy from anti-Judaism.
From the Night of the Pogrom to the Final Solution: Experiences and Lessons
Read moreThe former Secretary General of the World Jewish Congress gives a personal account of the developing Nazi terror against the Jews and of his…
Teaching Tolerance
Read moreRabbi Dr. Romain came in for a few shocks when visiting schools in Berkshire and giving talks on Judaism as part of the Religious Education…
Halleluja! Praise the Lord!
Read moreA Jewish lawyer preaches to a church of mostly black Christians. A book excerpt.
Christians and Jews in a Radically New Relationship
Read moreWe live in a great moment of history, a world that has opportunities and possibilities as never before, but as a result, we face dilemmas…
Dabru Emet': A Jewish Dissent
Read moreRabbi A. James Rudin, Senior Interreligious Adviser of the American Jewish Committee, explains why he declined to sign 'Dabru Emet: A Jewish…
The Interfaith Imperative
Read moreA lecture given by Rabbi Dr. Sacks, Chief Rabbi of the United Kingdom, at an Annual General Meeting of the Council of Christians and Jews…
Fifty Years After Seelisberg
Read moreA reflection by Prof. Dr. Martin Stöhr, former President of the International Council of Christians and Jews on the 'Ten Points of…