Christian Zionism from a Perspective of Jewish-Christian Relations
Read moreIn classical Christian anti-Judaism a distorted view of Judaism is pressed into the service of a Christian Heilsgeschichte narrative. It is…
Learning From Each Other ? Reflections of a Jew
Read moreSome general comments on “learning from the other” religious tradition/s and addressing the specific aspect what Jews may learn from…
Healing Rifts Between Religions
Read moreIn his keynote address to the July 8-11, 2007 International Conference of the International Council of Christians and Jews held in Sydney,…
In Support of Jewish-Christian Dialogue: A Reply to Edward Kessler
Read moreFather Raniero Cantalamessa, a Franciscan Capuchin priest who is Preacher to the Papal Household, replies to the article by Edward Kessler, …
A Deafening Silence
Read moreSome observations on recent developments in Catholic-Jewish relations by Edward Kessler, Director of the Centre for the Study of…
The Church Embraces All People
Address at the Commemorative Event Organized by the Central Board of Jewish Communities in Greece, 28 January 2007Read moreHis Beatitude Christodoulos, Archbishop of Athens and All Greece, recalls the defense and rescue of Greek Jews during the German occupation…
Learning about Ourselves while Learning about Each Other: Proposals for Jewish and Catholic Education
Read moreA document prepared for the November 2006 meeting of the International Catholic-Jewish Liaison Committee, Capetown, South Africa.
Address on Yom Kippur
Read moreAddress by the Cardinal Archbishop of Montreal, Quebec, Canada, on the occasion of his visit to Temple Emanu-El-Beth Sholom, Montreal, for…
How the State of Israel Affects Today's Jewish-Christian Dialogue
Read moreProf. Simon Schoon of the Theological University, Kampen, The Netherlands, explores the implications of various models of Christian-Jewish…
First Thoughts on Dresden: Reflections on the New Synagogue and the New Ordinations
Read moreRabbi Andrew Goldstein of the Northwood & Pinner Liberal Synagogue, Northwood, MIddlesex, U.K., reflects on the first ordination of rabbis…