"Palestinian Theologian" Trashes "Palestinian Theology"
Read moreFor over two decades, parts of the Christian world have been bemused by the writings of self-styled "Palestinian Christian theologians."…
Land of Israel and Universal Salvation in the New Testament
Read moreIn December 2009, Palestinian Christians published A Word of Faith, Hope and Love from the Heart of Palestinian's Suffering, (hereafter…
The Jewish Moses
Read moreIn Rabbinic Judaism, Moses takes the dominant position among all biblical characters. Through him, God leads his people out of Egypt;…
The Jesus of the Gospels as interpreter of the Torah.
Read moreAccording to the Gospels, Jesus has neither abolished nor surpassed the law. He interpreted the Torah. To show this, I will confine myself…
John Paul II, Lower Manhattan and the Power of Religious Symbolism
Read moreThe recent controversy over the proposed construction of an Islamic center and mosque in Lower Manhattan has raised unsettling questions…
The Palestinian "Kairos" Document.
Read moreThe self-styled "Kairos Palestine" document was launched in Bethlehem on December 11, 2009 by a panel chaired by the former Latin Patriarch…
Israel and Judaism’s future
Read moreThere were many people, both in Israel and abroad, who believed – and continue to believe – that the fundamental purpose of the State of…
New Testament Aspects of Trinitarian Language
Read moreIt seems to me that it is time and indispensable to describe the relationship of the Church to Israel in a trinitarian perspective.* And…
Radical Covenant: Jews, Christians and the Politics of Neo-Liberalism
Read moreFor nearly three decades the culture of Britain’s welfare state has been transformed by an ideology that privileges competitive…
The Controversy Surrounding the 2008 Good Friday Prayer in Europe: The Discussion and its Theological Implications
Read moreWith courtesy of The Council of Centers on Jewish-Christian Relations, United States/Canada