Dialogue must go on
Read moreThis message is for all of you who have been active in Jewish Christian dialogue and in Three Faiths initiatives for many years.
My Jewish Connections
Read moreJoseph Epstein recently gave himself the sobriquet of pious Jewish agnostic and explained his pride as a member of a “club… whose members…
The People of Israel, the Land of Israel, and the State of Israel
Read moreIn 1994, the Holy See signed an agreement with the State of Israel, establishing diplomatic relations. What is the position of the Catholic…
Hope for the Future - A Study Document for Renewing Jewish-Christian Relations
Read moreThis study document is intended as an educational resource and reflection tool to stimulate a renewal of Jewish-Christian relations in the…
The Non-Violent Liberation Theologies of Abraham Joshua Heschel and Mahatma Gandhi
Read moreThis article explores how Gandhi and Heschel developed a liberation theology that was rooted in their religious praxis, which implied an…
Jews and Christians; becoming friends: A five-week scripture study course
Read moreThis booklet is a five-week scripture study course. It is based on a course on Christianity and Judaism given alongside Stan Keller, the…
"Caring for the world between us" - Greetings for the ICCJ 2023 Conference
Read moreIn her welcome address, Rabbi Anisfeld hoped that the ICCJ 2023 Conference would inspire us to renew our commitment to caring for the "world…
Salvation and the Jews
Read moreIn Jesus’s exchange with the Samaritan woman in the Gospel of John, he tells her that “salvation is from the Jews” (John 4:22). Scripture…
Looking for a new framework
Read moreAccording to the authors, the Catholic Church needs to rethink its relationship with Israel according to a paradigm that makes it possible…
Jewish-Christian Identities in Conflict: The Cases of Fr. Daniel Rufeisen and Fr. Elias Friedman
Read moreThe status of Jewish identity in cases of conversion to another religion is a contentious issue and was brought to the forefront of public…