JEWS AND CHRISTIANS. From Past to Future
Read moreIt is with great pleasure that JCR announces that the book "Jews and Christians. From Past to Future" by the well known Catholic monk and…
"Reconciliation is not an event; it is a process taking generations"
Read moreSpeech by the Archbishop of Canterbury to the International Meeting for Peace, Paris, 22nd September 2024.
Seeking Abraham’s God after October 7th: From Radical Antisemitism to Relational Dialogue
Read moreAbraham, the common spiritual ancestor of Jews, Christians, and Muslims, was called by God to be a blessing, not to conquer or convert (Gen.…
The Judensau: Remembering a Grotesque Anti-Jewish Image
Read moreJudensau translates as, Jewish sow. Its German medieval origins are complex; its history long (extending well into the twentieth century,…
Anti-semitism and Palestine
Read moreDavid Neuhaus, S.J., Professor of Scripture in Israel and Palestine, is a long-term member of the Holy Land Catholic Church's Justice and…
Abrahamic Dialogue in the Shadow of War. The Israel-Hamas war creates new challenges for Vatican diplomacy.
Read moreFebruary 16, 2024. In February 2023, global religious leaders met in the United Arab Emirates to celebrate the opening of the Abrahamic…
A New Era? Christian-Jewish Relations in Post-Cold War Europe
Read moreIn December 2015, during a festive gathering at Tel Aviv University, a book – the first of its kind – was launched: In our time: Documents…
In Defense of a Just Society: Buber Contra Gandhi on Jewish Migration to Palestine
Read moreAt the behest of his Jewish friends and colleagues, the renowned Hindu leader Mahatma Gandhi (1869–1948) published an article in his…
On the events which have shaken us to the core
Read moreIn this “letter about current events,” dated January 27, 2024, Jean-Dominique Durand, President of l’Amitié Judéo-Chrétienne de France…