
At its meeting held January 2011 in the Martin Buber House in Heppenheim, Germany, the Executive Board of the International Council of Christians and Jews, implementing the decision taken by the 2010 ICCJ Annual General Meeting held in Istanbul, Turkey, decided to renew its commitment to the Jewish-Christina-Muslim dialogue. During a trilateral consultation, held in Berlin, December 2010, the following proposition was drafted, with which the ICCJ Executive Board unanimously agreed.


We children of Abraham – Jews, Christians and Muslims – acknowledging past and present injustices against one another, commit ourselves to build mutual trust, dignity and respect in the spirit of our common father Abraham. Aware of our distinct rootedness and narratives, part of the distinct traditions re Abraham we cherish, we, nevertheless, recognize the common legacy which we all share; most precious part of which is our common belief in the God of Abraham, who promised Abraham:”As for me, this is my covenant with you: you shall be the ancestor of a multitude of nations”. (Gen. 17:4) We are committed to living by the values of this belief and to disseminating them for the benefit of all humankind.  

These values include:

  • a universal thinking,
  • an ethos of brotherliness and sisterliness,
  • a practice of hospitality,
  • commitment to an open process of mutual learning and respect,
  • commitment to justice and righteousness and a
  • commitment to fight against all forms of Idolatry, including the idolization of our own religion.   

In favour of a new interreligious praxis of communication, we shall strive to inject the creative concepts of moderation and inclusivity into the framework of the dynamic interreligious dialogue that is already taking place under the auspices of the ICCJ. Our religious convictions are the basis for our desire to carry out this sacred work. Religiously inspired, we shall dedicate ourselves to overcome violent attitudes and totalitarian claims in our respective faith communities and to promote dialogue, understanding and empathy between our brothers and sisters.    

The Abrahamic Forum's Steering Committee

The work of the larger International Abrahamic Forum will be initiated and coordinated by a steering committee. The Executive Board of the ICCJ shall appoint the International Abrahamic Forum's Steering Committee for the term of its office.

a. Purpose of the Steering Committee

The main task of the Steering Committee of the International Abrahamic Forum is to further the trilateral dialogue as an integral component of the interfaith work of the ICCJ and its member organizations and to advance the relations and contacts of the ICCJ with interested people and organizations involved in the trilateral dialogue and encounter.

This will be achieved through: 

a.    Issuing statements and publishing documents on matters related to the Jewish-Christian-Muslim dialogue. 

b.    Keeping as many people as possible informed about and involved in trilateral discussions through a virtual network, part of the ICCJ website.

c.    Holding a bi-annual consultation preferably in conjunction with the annual ICCJ conference.

d.    Initiating and implementing educational projects focusing on the shared values of the Abrahamic heritage. 

e.    Representing the ICCJ in meetings and conferences dedicated to the trilateral dialogue. 

b. Structure of the Steering Committee

a.    The Executive Board shall appoint one of its members to chair the Steering Committee of the International Abrahamic Forum.

b.    The Steering Committee shall have no more than nine members, including the chairperson. The three faith traditions, Jewish, Christian and Muslim, will be represented equally. Should the need arise the Steering Committee may call in experts to give additional advice.

c.    The Steering Committee will elect a Muslim Co-Chair, who will be invited to attend the ICCJ Executive Board meetings in an observer status.

d.    The Steering Committee shall meet at least once a year and hold a bi- annual consultation.

e.    Being part of the ICCJ framework, the Steering Committee will be free in choosing its working methods.

f.    The ICCJ General Secretary and his staff will assist the Steering Committee in carrying out the Abrahamic Forum’s activities.

g.    The International Council of Christians and Jews initiates the International Abrahamic Forum and is responsible to finance its activities.

Editorial remarks

Resolution by the International Abrahamic Forum, December 2010

For more see: ICCJ Abrahamic Forum