Parliament of the World

2004 Parliament of the World's Religions which will take place in Barcelona

Parliament of the World

Events in the world swirl around us. Daily reports of hatred, injustice and violence - ­ often perpetrated in the name of religion - can leave us feeling helpless and discouraged. In the midst of such difficulties we struggle to understand, to find our way, to build a better world. There is a better way.

A way to begin is by listening. There is wisdom in listening to ourselves, to each other, to our traditions, to the world. Only by listening will our assumptions be challenged and our perspectives broadened. Only by listening will we have the opportunity to grow and to be enriched. Only by listening can we learn that we are not alone and that there is reason to hope. Only by listening will we be changed and, at the same time, discover that changing the world is possible. But change requires commitment. A commitment to live out the change we want to see in the world.

One place to find our footing is the 2004 Parliament of the World's Religions which will take place in Barcelona from July 7 through 13 in the framework of the Universal Forum of Cultures. This unique international interreligious gathering offers an engaging and promising forum to:

Deepen our spirituality, and experience personal transformation;

Foster mutual understanding and respect, and learn to live in harmony in the midst of diversity;

Recognize the humanity of the other, and broaden our sense of community,

Seek peace, justice and sustainability, and actively work for a better world.

And, in fact, in coming together to listen and to commit, this gathering itself will be a pathway to peace.

The 2004 Parliament of the World's Religions is organized by

the Council for a Parliament of the World's Religions in partnership with

the Universal Forum of Cultures ? Barcelona 2004, and in association with

the UNESCO Centre of Catalonia

CPWR, P.O. Box 1630, Chicago, IL 60690-1630, U.S.A.

UNESCO Centre of Catalonia, c/ Mallorca, 285, E-08037 Barcelona, Spain.