Conference on Nostra Aetate to be Held in Jerusalem, 30 October  - 1 November, 2005



Conference on Nostra Aetate to be Held in Jerusalem, 30 October - 1 November, 2005

The Center for the Study of Christianity at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, in conjunction with the John XXIII Foundation for Religious Studies in Bologna, Italy, will hold a scholarly conference in Jerusalem, 30 October -1 November 2005, on the theme "Nostra Aetate: Origins, Promulgation, Impact on Catholic-Jewish Relations." The conference is designed to mark the 40th anniversary of this historic declaration of the Second Vatican Council.


The first day of the conference will be devoted mainly to Nostra Aetate and its origins, and the second day to its various impacts since 1965. Participants will review the state of research on the document, make their own contribution thereto, and attempt a critical assessment of Catholic-Jewish relations over the past 40 years. Participants will include Cardinal Walter Kasper, President of the Pontifical Council for Christian Unity; Rabbi David Rosen, President of the International Jewish Council for Interreligious Consultations; and leading scholars from Israel, Italy, Germany, France, Belgium, Russia and the United States.


The conference will be held in Beit Mayersdorf on the Mount Scopus campus of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. It is open to all interested persons.





Sunday, 30 October 2005
6.00 pm Introductory Session
Monday, 31 October 2005
Morning: Chair, David Satran (Jerusalem) - Origins

Manuela Consoni (Jerusalem): "From Pius XII to John XXIII: A New Discourse on Judaism and the Jews"
Marco Morselli (Rome): "Jules Isaac and the Origins of Nostra Aetate"

11.00 am Robert Bonfil (Jerusalem): "Jewish History, Memory and Vision"
Didier Pollefeyt (Leuven): "The Church and the Jews - Problems and Visions"
Serge Ruzer (Jerusalem): "Nostra Aetate and the Historical Quest for the Jewish Origins of Christianity"

Afternoon: Chair, Joseph Sievers (Rome) - Promulgation
2:30 pm Fr Thomas Stransky, C.S.P. (Tantur): "A View from within the Secretariat for Christian Unity"
Fr Bernard Dupuy, O.P. (Paris): "Problems and Controversies in the Preparation of Nostra Aetate"
4:30 pm Annarita Caponera (Perugia): "Papers of the Secretariat for Christian Unity on Nostra Aetate"
Mauro Velati (Novara): "The Debate De Judaeis and Ecumenical Dialogue"
Tuesday, 1 November 2005
Morning: Chair, Ruth Lapidot (Jerusalem) - Perspectives
9.00 am Uri Bialer (Jerusalem): "Jewish Advocacy and Israeli Diplomacy"
Justo Lacunza Balda (Rome): "Reactions from the Muslim World"

11.00 am Hans Hermann Henrix (Aachen): "Impacts and Effects in Europe"
Jerome Chanes (New York): "Impacts on Catholic and Jewish Life in the US"

Afternoon: Chair, Alberto Melloni (Bologna) – After 40 Years: A Critical Assessment
2.30 pm Petra Heldt (Jerusalem): "Protestant Perspectives"
Alexander Zanemonets (Moscow): "Orthodox Perspectives"

4.30 pm

Round Table - "Nostra Aetate: An Unfinished Agenda"
Cardinal Walter Kasper (Rome), Prior Enzo Bianchi (Bose), Prof. R. J. Zvi Werblowsky (Jerusalem), Rabbi David Rosen (Jerusalem)