Cardinal Kasper speaks of Judaism as a 'sacrament of otherness'

Cardinal Walter Kasper, President of the Vatican Commission for Religious Relations with the Jews, has spoken of Judaism as 'a sacrament of every otherness that as such the Church must learn to discern, recognize and celebrate.'

Cardinal Kasper speaks of Judaism as a 'sacrament of otherness'

Cardinal Walter Kasper, President of the Vatican Commission for Religious Relations with the Jews, has spoken of Judaism as 'a sacrament of every otherness that as such the Church must learn to discern, recognize and celebrate.' In his remarks at the 37th Anniversary Celebration of the Second Vatican Council's declaration 'Nostra Aetate,' held at Villa Piccolomini in Rome on 28 October 2002, he also encouraged 'any initiative favoring the growth of a bond with Judaism, with its theological and spiritual wealth, and with the culture that is expressed by it,' and urged that the Nostra Aetate anniversary be observed annually as 'an invocation for peace in the Church, in Israel, in the world.'

Text of Cardinal Kasper's remarks:

Cardinal Kasper's address in Boston: