Australian Repentance Service at Anniversary of Night of Broken Glass
November 11th marked a very significant repentance service in Sydney. Christians assembled to confess their sorrow for the two thousand years of persecution of Jews. There was a good number of Jews present. The service was modelled on the Jerusalem ceremony held in April attended by one thousand Christians. This event in Sydney also was organised by the Sisters of Mary, a group of Lutheran sisters founded to make repentance for the atrocities of Germany during the Holocaust. It had the support of the Council of Christians and Jews, some of whom, such as the current CCJ president Major Graham Harris, were participants in the service which featured readings from the prophets. People came from all around Australia and some from New Zealand to attend the service. A Holocaust survivor gave a testimony, and after an act of repentance pronounced by the Christians present, the service ended with the Aaronic blessing said by Rabbi Lampert. A Holocaust survivor who attended the service said he had been waiting for such an event for sixty years.