The author received the prize in recognition for his 2014 novel, Judas. According to the Mount Zion Foundation that awards the prize every two years, “the novel raises important social, religious and existential questions – about war and peace in the Holy Land, about Jesus and Judas, about contrasting political visions, and about guilt, love, despair and hope. (…) Oz sheds new life on the figures on Jesus and Judas and on the relationship between Judaism and Christianity. The novel provides an interesting literary stimulus for Jewish-Christian dialogue. This year’s award highlights the undervalued role of art, and in particular of literature, in the dialogue between the three great Abrahamic religions.”
The award has been bestowed twice on efforts recognized within the Hebrew speaking Catholic community in Israel. In 1991, the award was presented to Elisheva Hemker, who assisted Father Daniel Rufeisen in establishing the Haifa kehillah and founding the Gertrude Luckner Home for the Elderly in Nahariya. In 2015, the award was presented to the Coordination for the Pastoral among Migrants and its initiator, Father David Neuhaus.