This treasury of writings by John Paul II, compiled and co-edited by Eugene J. Fisher, Rabbi Leon Klenicki and Rabbi Eric J. Greenberg, bears witness to the extraordinary contributions made by John Paul II toward the historic dialogue between Jews and Christians. His efforts can serve as a model for reconciliation, inspiring both believers and non-believers to pursue deeper understanding and work together in harmony to help improve the world and achieve Shalom.
"The Saint for Shalom" features a Foreword by Cardinal Stanislaw Dziwisz, the Archbishop of Krakow and longtime assistant to Pope John Paul; a Preface by Cardinal Timothy M. Dolan, Archbishop of New York and President of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, and an appreciation by Cardinal William H. Keeler, Archbishop Emeritus of Baltimore.
The book's cover features a beautiful and poignant image of Pope John Paul II leaning on his cane while saying a prayer at the Western Wall in Jerusalem. The photo was taken by Pope John Paul's longtime personal photographer, Grzegorz Galazka. The book can be purchased through Amazon, IPG or Crossroad Publishing company.
Praise for "The Saint for Shalom"
"This important volume makes crystal clear how John Paul II dedicated much of his twenty-six year papacy to rapprochement between Jews and Catholics. The writings collected here show that step by step he unpacked the implications of the Second Vatican Council declaration Nostra Aetate, producing a theological body of work with a breadth and authority that remains unsurpassed in implementing the Catholic Churchs new relationship to Judaism."
-- Dr. Philip A. Cunningham, Professor of Theology and Director of the Institute for Jewish-Catholic Relations, Saint Josephs University, Philadelphia
"A must read for everyone interested in the positive and historic role Pope John Paul II played in Catholic-Jewish relations. Leon Klenicki and Eugene Fisher have rendered an important service that will be an indispensable record for future generations."
-- Rabbi A. James Rudin, author, Christians & Jews Faith to Faith: Tragic History, Promising Present, Fragile Future (2011)
POPE Benedict XVI Praised ADL book
Pope Benedict XVI thanked the Anti-Defamation League for producing The Saint for Shalom. He expressed his appreciation of ADL's efforts in a letter sent by Cardinal Kurt Koch, President of the Vatican's Commission For Religious Relations With The Jewish People to Rabbi Eric J. Greenberg, ADLs Director of Interfaith Affairs.
"In a particular way he [Pope Benedict XVI] wishes to acknowledge the specially-bound volume of The Saint for Shalom which you presented in the Clementine Hall," said Cardinal Koch's letter. "He greatly appreciates this publication by the Anti-Defamation League as a tribute to the constant concern of Pope John Paul II to do all he could to foster better relations between the Church and the Jewish people."