Results for guilt

About 326 results.

Pope Pius XII's Refusal to Publicly Condemn the Holocaust

May 1, 2020 ... Guilt and complicity? Some historians such as Frank Coppa[2] argue that the reputation of Pope Pius XII was largely intact—and positive ...

Criteria for the Evaluation of Dramatizations of the Passion, 1988

... guilt, through sin, for Jesus" death: In this guilt are involved all those who fall frequently into sin; for, as our sins consigned Christ the. Lord to the ...

Jesus the Jew - JC Relations

That pain belongs to the truth, as does the corporate guilt which I share as a member of a tradition which has fostered its cause. Yet that tradition also ...

Antisemitism, Christianity, and the Churches in Europe - JC Relations

Mar 1, 2021 ... ... guilt. The main point is that Justin even came to justify the extinction of Jerusalem during the Bar Kokhba revolt and the Emperor's ...

Response to Vatican Document 'We Remember: A ... - JC Relations

Mar 19, 1998 ... ... guilt circulated for too long and contributed to a lulling of many consciences". Here was a clear answer to the question posed in the ...

JC Relations: Christian-Jewish Relations: A Christian Perspective

... guilt of killing their God. To our mind the question is who will absolve the Church for its guilt in inspiring and sponsoring crusades and inquisitions and ...

Learning to Listen: Are Christians ready for dialogue with Jews and ...

accept guilt and assume responsibility, practical solidarity with the Jewish State of Israel, and readiness to make intra-Christian theological revisions ...

Confronting the Debate about the Role of Switzerland ... - JC Relations

Mar 30, 1997 ... But we must not lose the perspective that, for centuries, Christians and ecclesiastical teachings were guilty of persecuting and marginalizing ...

An Address to the Churches. Seelisberg (Switzerland) 1947.

guilt with disastrous consequences. The Christian Churches have indeed always affirmed the un-Christian character of antisemitism, as of all forms of racial ...

The Church and the Jewish people - JC Relations

... guilt. Why, in God's purpose, they have suffered in that way, we as outsiders do not know. What we do know, however, is the guilt of Christians who have all ...