Results for dabru emet

About 348 results.

Provocative Reconciliation: Reflections on the New ... - JC Relations

Victoria Barnett, in an article from The Christian Century (Chicago), surveys some Christian reactions to 'Dabru Emet: A Jewish Statement on Christians and ...

"Dabru Emet": una disidencia judía - JC Relations

"Dabru Emet": una disidencia judía Rabino A. James Rudin, Consejero Interreligioso <i>Senior</i>, American Jewish Commitee, New York.

JCR - - JC Relations

This site is owned and maintained by the International Council of Christians and Jews, which has 38 Christian-Jewish and interreligious member organizations in ...

Dabru Emet – Falai a Verdade
Para o futuro do ... - JC Relations

Sep 2, 2004 ... A leitura por D. Rosen da quinta tese aclama a Dabru Emet como um corretivo duma interpretação presa em estereótipos da ligação de Nacional- ...

Statements - Page 3 of 5 - JC Relations

A Response to Dabru Emet. LEKKJ welcomes the issuance of Dabru Emet: A Jewish Statement on Christians and Christianity. We see in this statement a ...

Judaism Meets Christianity for the First Time - Again - JC Relations

Rabbi Irving Greenberg (New York) discusses the significance of Dabru Emet: A Jewish Statement on Christians and Christianity, which he hails as 'a historical ...

Dabru Emet - eine Bewertung aus jüdischer Sicht - JC Relations

Die Bezeichnung Gottes als Gott Abrahams, Isaaks und Jakobs ist keine geistige, sondern eine reale, praktische, mit einer ethnischen Bindung. Diese Bindung ist ...

Dabru Emet: sic et non

Dabru Emet: sic et non. Dabru Emet está escrita en la forma retórica de la paranesis. Esto significa que el lenguaje de Dabru Emet ofrece a sus lectores ...

Dabru Emet - Uma Posição judaica perante cristãos e Cristandade

Dabru Emet - Uma Posição judaica perante cristãos e. Cristandade. 14.07.2002 | Projeto Nacional de Cientistas Judaicos. 2002. Projeto Nacional de Cientistas ...

Rabbi Dr. Michael A. Signer (1945-2009) - JC Relations

May 1, 2019 ... ... Dabru Emet (Hebrew for “Speak the Truth”), issued in the year 2000. Subtitled “A Jewish Statement on Christians and Christianity,” Dabru Emet ...