Results for parting of the ways

About 339 results.

The Parting of the Ways - JC Relations

The theological impramata given to "the parting of the ways" was reinforced politically by the Christian Emperors of Rome and Byzantium who eventually ...

The Parting of the Ways Between Christianity and ... - JC Relations

The Parting of the Ways Between Christianity and Judaism and their Significance for the Character of Christianity.

The Parting of the Ways Between Christianity and Judaism and their ...

The Parting of the Ways Between Christianity and. Judaism and their Significance for the Character of. Christianity. | Dunn, James D. G. ed. London: SCM Press ...

The Gospel of Mark and Judaism - JC Relations

Mark could be a helpful source in considering the relationship between Judaism and Christianity at an early point in the process of 'the parting of the ways' ...

Anti-Judaism and the Gospel of John - JC Relations

May 1, 2024 ... The question of the parting of the ways of the Church and the Synagogue calls for further in-depth study. It should be explored from the ...

Broken Roots. What Happens When We Don't Know ... - JC Relations

Dec 1, 2023 ... ... Parting of the Ways,' during which Messianic Jews and Gentile ... Jesus observed the Law (Torah) in every way and affirmed Jewish ways of living.

Articles - Page 58 of 59 - JC Relations

The Parting of the Ways. The split between Judaism and Christianity was gradual and happened at different rates in different places. There is remarkably ...

The Synagogue and the Separation of the Christians

of "the parting of the ways". Whereas an older scholarship saw "Christianity" as replacing a. "legalistic" Judaism which had reached the end of the road ...

Boys, Mary C.. Has God Only One Blessing? Judaism ... - JC Relations

she describes the "parting of the ways" between Judaism and what came to be known. as Christianity. That parting, Boys asserts, was "neither orderly nor ...

Christianizing Judaism? On the Problem of Christian Seder Meals

Apr 1, 2021 ... began to reveal the complex history of the parting of the ways between the two traditions. At a grassroots level, several initiatives were ...