Results for French

About 543 results.

Canadian Rabbinic Caucus and the Canadian Conference of ...

A culminating moment of the joint study came with the singing of Psalm 23 in both Hebrew and French. The second half of the meeting involved two additional ...

Israeli and Palestinian go from enemies to brothers

theatre and a French cinema. The movie was also shown on two television channels: France 5 TV and Chello Multicanal in Spain. But as I walked towards the ...

Lest Innocent Blood Be Shed: The story of the village of Le ...

When so many European Christians simply abandoned their Jewish neighbors to their fate, the story of a French village that organized itself to rescue Jews is ...

In Memoriam Father Bernard Dupuy, OP (1925-2014)

Oct 6, 2014 ... ICCJ's French member organization, the Amitié Judéo-Chrétienne de France (ACJF), has lost of its honourees. Father Bernard Dupuy, who died ...

The Jewish-Christian Dialogue – its Universal Significance

Sep 20, 2016 ... His famous meeting with the great French Jewish historian Jules Isaac confirmed that determination. He gave the task to Cardinal Augustin ...

Ruth Weyl passed away

” With Ruth's fluency in English, French and German (as well as Hebrew), she helped link up people from many of our different member organizations. It is ...

Rightly Explaining the Word of Truth - JC Relations

Nov 8, 1994 ... participation of, among others, German, Austrian, French, Polish and Hungarian Christians. The founding of the British Council of Christians ...

Elie Wiesel as Theologian

He introduced. Wiesel to Christian or Christian-derived thought, for example in the work of Montaigne or in the. French theater of the seventeenth century.

Judaism and Catholic Prayer

Jan 28, 2009 ... The French Dominican theologian Yves Congar claims that while it is impossible to pinpoint the origin of the idea, it was between the years 1937 ...

Jewish-Christian Dialogue in the Non-Western World

Jul 4, 2012 ... The third consultation took place in the French-speaking Yaoundé, Cameroon, in 2001, ... For a French translation of the above lecture see: Le ...