Short Introductions to the World Religions One-page introductions to the history and major teachings of 9 world religions

These are short introductions to some religions. They were developed for United Church of Canada study groups to provide some information before visiting places of worship or meeting with people of other faith traditions.


Interfaith Relations

These are short introductions to some religions. They were developed for United Church of Canada study groups to provide some information before visiting places of worship or meeting with people of other faith traditions. For this purpose the introductions had to be very concise. All were checked with scholars and leaders of these traditions. Serious dialogue calls for much further reading. 
Feel free to download any or all of the pages of this section.

HinduismBuddhismNative SpiritualityA Family Tree
of the Churches:

Roman Catholic
Eastern Orthodox
Bahá"í FaithSikhismZoroastrianism