Jewish-Christian activities in France
Prayers of Women in the Bible' was the theme of meetings from April to June 2001 of the Paris-East Amitié judéo-chrétienne: 'The Song of Hannah' with Rabbi Joseph Toitou and Sr. Anne-Etienne; 'Song of the Vineyard of My Beloved' with Rabbi Philippe Haddad and Rev. Sternberger; the 'Canticle of Canticles' with Rabbi Salomon Malka and Fr. Yves Simoens. At a meeting of this Amitié judéo-chrétienne group, March 14, Gerald Israël presented his book: 'The Christian Question: A Jewish Look at Christianity'. The Catholic response was given by Fr. Patrick Desbois and the Protestant response by Rev. Jean-Pierre Sternberger, The discussion period was led by Rev. Michel Leplay.
A study day on 'Biblical Monotheism Tested by Modern Times', organized by Amitié judéo-chrétienne of France, was held at the Universal Israel Alliance in Paris, on April 1. In the opening conference, Paul Thibaud spoke on 'Democracy and Religion'. The historian and theologian, Agnes Antoine, analyzed the evolution of relations between religion and democratic culture. From his book: Le monothéisme est un humanisme, Shumel Trigano demonstrated how the absence of a dialogue partner results in an uneasy and disoriented activism. Rabbi Philippe Hadd's and Jean-Claude Elin's Jewish and Christian reflections on secularization were followed by a discussion period.