Christians and the Holocaust
Read moreSir Martin Gilbert, Jewish historian and biographer of Sir Winston Churchill, gave a detailed account of Christians who rescued Jews during…
The covenant has never been revoked
Read moreBasis of the Christian-Jewish relationship. A review of changing attitudes in the theology of the churches.
Dialogue, not proselytizing
Read moreThe Christian attitude towards Jews and Judaism. Hans Hermann Henrix is Director of the Bishops Academy of the Catholic Diocese of Aachen,…
Mission and Salvation III. Christian Faith and Other Faiths
Read moreThe Tension Between Dialogue and Evangelism. Canon Dr. Roger Hooker, the Bishop of Birmingham's Adviser for Interfaith Relations, expresses…
Religious Prejudice, Dialogue and Respect
Read moreRabbi Yossi Ives, coordinator of the Lubavitch Foundation in Leeds, discusses the dilemmas of inter-religious dialogue and argues that…